Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Humans are like poison?

Saw a recent article talking about the impacts that humans have had on the earth and other living species and the environment. I find it interesting to see that the majority of what they mention points toward the fact that it takes a short (geological) amount of time to remove the majority of what we have done to the planet. However there are some very long term items that take a longer period of time for the planet to recover.

Even with a hefty amount of speculative science, it still is an interesting read. But it does feel like they are describing what happens if you quit smoking...


Anonymous said...

"Humans are a virus."

andy sez:

The only ethical decision for someone who believes that is suicide.

Amanda said...

Andy, be nice, or I wont let your wife buy me cake anymore, and....

....and imagine lots of other more threatening sounding things. It's morning. I can't think in the morning. But be intimidated anyway.