Thursday, February 02, 2006


As linked through Booch, I found this article on Frameworks and how silly they have become.

If I had a hammer

Let me know if I am wrong, but sometimes it is just better to just build the software. Many frameworks are too generic for use and just inhibit actually working on the product. To go with the analysis and to go with my actual tool purchasing habits, I would rather have a large pile of tools that I have spent my resources on so that I can get stuff done quicker. Hence my distrust of tiki :)

Take a read on the article. Very enjoyable.


J. Heuer said...


only that I have been pretty active in customizing Tiki in the last 2 months, which offers a great framework to do so without having to worry that the seams will crack... so the time I invest now will not have to be re-invested in 6 months just coz one of the glued together pieces goes into a new direction... :-) Sorry, Aaron, I am a lazy sod, and not in the business of developing my own tools... I just want one that I can customize that gives me 80% in 10% of the time.

Let the Flames engulf my heathen comments!

Unknown said...

I wouldn't say they were heathen comments. I guess I was being overly zealous in my ranting. It really comes down to proper requirement gathering. For instance I blew away phpWebsite for my personal site because it was not meeting my needs of finding and sharing information. Tiki could have, but to me, when I took it for a test drive it felt clunky. So I tend to go with the couple of individual pieces and parts to make up just what I need and not more. I do believe that your look in feel will be more contiguous because of one tool...