Thursday, January 06, 2005

Ok I am not going crazy

Ok. I thought that I just couldn't grasp such a simple thing as Web Services in C#. I tried all sorts of stuff, so I was just about to give up when I decided to see if anyone else had tried this feet, specifically with the NOAA SOAP service. Turns out someone at Microsoft has tried with the exact same results as me. I still feel like an idiot, but that is just back to a normal level. However, I may grab the PHP version which evidentally works and maybe do a cached rss feed from it. So where is my visual PHP IDE?


ish said...

I am posting this here in protest to my scrolling off of the page: It is of course a response to this bit of vicious slander here:


ish said...

Also, just looked in the photos and I gotta say: Nice moose.

ish said...

Also, I should point out I didn't understand anything that you said in this post. Except perhaps that I know who Microsoft is.

Unknown said...

Ok, so I think that I used too many buzz words in my post. The jist was that I wanted an application that would get weather information without all the junk (ads, popups, etc). I found out that NOAA offers an interface where I can make calls using the Simple Object Access Protocol to get that information. Well, it evidentally does not work for some reason with Visual C#.

Is pulling an Ish offensive?

ish said...

Indeed. You have wounded me to my core.

Unknown said...

Then may my apologies go unending as praise of your non-typitude is embellished.