Saturday, January 15, 2005

I have babies

Sorry Princess, but not of the human kind. My Sunshine Peacocks (Aulonocara baenschi) have spawned. Of course that are about 8 mm in length but there is about 20 of them hanging out in their momma's mouth. I would have never seen them except that I was moving the fish to my redone 55 gallon upstairs. I didn't like having them with the mbuna's in the basement so wanted to get them their own tank to induce spawning. In fact I think they may have spawened before but it was unsuccessful (other fish ate the fry I think). So cool. Maybe I will get lucky and catch some on the digital camera.

** Update: I have some pictures.


Princess Blogonoke said...

Damn! I was going to jump up and down and hoot and holler, and now I'm a little sad. Well, I'm glad your fish had babies, and because it's your fish, then you have babies, but still... poop.

On the other hand, now you can get them to grow up big and strong and sell them back for a profit, right?

Princess Blogonoke said...

They're gorgeous! You and Michelle must be so proud :-).

Unknown said...

Yeah, proud parents. Makes me wish that I wasn't selling them, but I can't keep that many fish and they should spawn again. 23 was my last count. I will try to get pictures again later this week as they have grown a bit and you can actually see their dorsal fin...