- Miranda has now used the potty a couple of times. Woo hoo!
- Miranda still hates hair washing.
- Miranda now says happy, bubbles, and a few other words and phrases.
- Work is good. Tiring but good.
- Coffee is good and not so tiring.
- The parking garage at the train station should really try to be open in the morning. There really isn't any place to park otherwise.
- The Rescuers is a pretty fun movie, but it is weird to feel the different pacing of the show from a by gone era. Very slow and methodical.
- Burnout: Paradise City is fun.
- Godiva Chocolate Liquor + Chai + Soy Milk = Yummy goodness.
My little rockstar.

How sad that I could identify Dora, Boots, and Baby Jaguar from behind.
Got it wrong Dustin its Diego not Dora. She loves them!
s.w.'s caption:
"I will eat the orange one first."
(This was almost too cute to think of a sarcastic caption.)
Really? Looks like Dora's head shape. Well better for me not being able to tell I guess.
Looks like my brother is working with Steve defending our nuclear energy
What is it about the hair washing that she hates so much?
I remember liking The Rescuers.
I have no clue who Dora and Diego are (and I'm okay with this).
I remember the Rescuers as being the No Country for Old Men of rodent-themed children's films.
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