So far Michelle has talked to all her family. I will likely talk to my family tonight once they get back from other family stuff. Miranda has been opening presents like crazy and loving it. Although it is funny when she finds a toy she likes, you can ask her to open more presents, but all you get is vigorous head shaking and a quiet little no.
It might be disconcerting for some but we have been avoiding the whole Santa thing. I think we are better off just telling Miranda what the holiday means and to say that the presents from from those that we love and love us. I think that is better than Santa.
But here is to the start of an excellent day and fun times spent with my small little family. May all of you have a great and wonderful Christmas.

andy sez:
Aaron is officially my hero for not introducing Santa Claus to another unsuspecting mind. Merry (slightly late) Christmas.
Thanks... I am just not sure what benefit introducing Santa would have? Knows if you are naughty or nice? Some omniscient being that can watch your kids while you aren't able to look after them? I don't know. Either way, I think it is more beneficial to know that gifts come from those that care, not some mythical fat man.
Wow I love you guys. And I'm in agreement concerning ol' tubby.
Totally on your side... we are not talking to Evan about Santa, either. I would rather him know what is going on and understand that he is not under surveillance all year long from somebody almighty out there.
Still digging in The God Delusion to see whether Dawkins had any good ideas...
Merry XMas (belated) and a Happy New Year, Aaron!
You too Jay!
By the way we are missing the pictures and videos of Evan. Miranda just loves them. I should put up a video soon too.
Totally delinquent on that... buried in work and family life. WOrking on a software startup, and there are not enough hours in the day... plus Sara was home for 12 WHOLE DAYS which we enjoyed to the fullest with the family. So, lots of materials, I just need to get stuff posted.
Have a problem with MovieMaker. Does not like at ALL another DVD authoring software I put on this machine, so I need to get that off and then I can post vids...
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