I had said earlier that I would post my mock draft. I got about half way through it when I realized that I wouldn't have time to finish it, so I dumped it. No biggie.
So let's talk about the Lions 3 picks yesterday. I think they did well in terms of grabbing top talent. All three picks were for guys that just flat out know how to play. What a failed to see was the grab for an offensive line giant. Also ESPN coverage only lasts till 5:00 so we lost the last hour and half of the first round. Of course 5 hours of coverage should be able to handle the first round. Very sad. Next year, you only get 10 minutes and if you want more you need to fill our a 7735 Form B for an extra 5 minutes.
So why haven't I been doing much updating. Well there was my second trip to florida and which was preceded by some massive gastro-intestinal problems that put me out of commission for a week, including a nice visit to the local hospital. Otherwise I really have no excuse for a lost month.